Editing Project Task Details

You can edit project tasks in the Task pane or the Schedule pane. Changes that you make on the Schedule and Task panes are shown immediately so that you can view the effect of your changes before saving them. Changes are not saved until you click Save. For more information, see Project Task Gantt Fields.

Warning: Warning
If the task object contains required fields that are not included as columns in Project Task Gantt, or are included as read-only columns, your administrator must ensure that some other mechanism, such as an insert trigger, automatically populates the required fields so you can create and save new tasks.
Otherwise, if your project offers custom columns with required fields, your administrator must ensure the column is editable so the Project Task Gantt user can specify a value for the required field(s).

You can edit the Task Name, Points, Points Complete, Points Remaining, Percentage Complete, Estimated Hours, Hours Remaining, Assigned Resources and Roles, Milestone, Start Date and End Date fields inline or you can edit the fields on the Task Editor popup. Fields that you are unable to edit are shaded gray on the Tasks pane.

Note: Note
The Points Remaining and Hours Remaining fields can be set as read-only in the Read Only Field Set setting for Project Task Gantt.

You can restrict editing of Task-related field sets by designating specific field sets as read-only. For more information, see Project Task Gantt Settings and Preferences.

Note: Note
When editing fields, a red border is displayed around the field if you have entered invalid data. For instance, if you set the End date earlier than the Start date. When this occurs, hover over the field to display the error message.

To edit the details of a project taskA unit of work or collection of work associated with a project. inline:

  1. Select the value that you want to change in the Task pane.
  2. Enter the value that you want.
  3. To save your change, click Save.

To view and edit the details of project tasks using the Task Editor popup:

  1. Double-click the task bar of the task in the Schedule pane.
  2. If you want to change a value, edit the fields as described in Project Task Gantt Fields.
  3. To save your changes, click OK.

To change the name of a task:

  1. Right-click the task that you want to change the name of.
  2. Click Edit Task Name.
  3. Enter the text you want.
  4. To save your change, press Enter.

Editing Duration Details

To edit the duration:

  1. Double-click on the entry in the Duration column.
  2. Enter the new duration or click on the arrows in the right-hand portion of the column.

To change the duration units:

  1. Double-click on the entry in the Duration column.
  2. Select Days or Hours in the popup to change the duration unit. For information about duration units, including any recalculation when you switch from one unit type to another, see Task Duration Units.

Using Project Task Assignment Indicators

Note: Note
You can control display of Project Task Assignment indicators in Project Task Gantt. For more information, see Project Task Gantt Settings and Preferences.

Indicators in Project Task Assignments assume:

A basic error condition causing Project Task Assignment indicators to display are when the sum of all task hours associated with an Assignment exceeds the scheduled hours on the Assignment.

Tip: Tip
Project Task Assignment indicators work best when Assignments have a single associated Project Task Assignment.

Red Alert Indicator Conditions

Yellow Alert Indicator Conditions

Examples of Project Task Assignment Indicators

Related Concepts

Project Task Gantt (Task Manager)

About Tasks

About Task Dependency Relationships and Lag

Related Tasks

Managing Projects

Viewing Tasks

Viewing Task Details

Changing Start and End Dates

Adding a Task or Checkpoint

Adding a Task Dependency Relationship

Deleting a Task Dependency Relationship

Editing a Task Dependency Relationship

Assigning Resources or Roles to a Project Task

Closing Project Task Gantt

Deleting Tasks

Moving Tasks

Printing the Project Plan

Saving Changes


Undoing and Redoing Changes

Viewing the Critical Path


Creating Resource Demands from Project Task Gantt

Associating Project Tasks with Milestones

Configuring Alerts and Restricted Editing of Project Task Constraints

Using Task Notes in Project Task Gantt

Setting up Work Calendars


Project Task Gantt Fields

Project Task Gantt Settings and Preferences

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