Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class AmendPxService

this service class provides document reversal functionality. only journals are currently supported.



global static void amendSync(List<c2g.AmendPxService.Document> changes)

This service allows you to amend documents synchronously.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
changes List<c2g.AmendPxService.Document> A list of changes to be applied to posted documents.


global static ID amendAsync(List<c2g.AmendPxService.Document> changes)

This service allows you to amend documents asynchronously using an Apex Job. The amendAsync method can handle larger documents than the amendSync method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
changes List<c2g.AmendPxService.Document> A list of changes to be applied to posted documents.

Return Value

The ID of the async job. This can be monitored from the "Apex Jobs" page.


global abstract class Document

a container for the changes to apply to a document.


Name Type Description
documentId ID the id of the document to amend.
description String the required description of the document.
amendDescription Boolean set to 'true' if the description is to be amended.
subAnalysis Map<String, Object> a map of custom document field values to be amended (keyed by the field name).


global class Journal extends Document

a specialised document for the changes to apply to a journal.

This class extends c2g.AmendPxService.Document


Name Type Description
reference String the required reference of the journal.
amendReference Boolean set to 'true' if the reference is to be amended.
lineItems List<c2g.AmendPxService.JournalLine> a list of the journal lines to amend.


global abstract class Line

a container for the changes to apply to a document line.


Name Type Description
lineId ID the id of the document line to amend.
lineDescription String the required description of the line.
amendLineDescription Boolean set to 'true' if the description is to be amended.
subAnalysis Map<String, Object> a map of custom line field values to be amended (keyed by the field name).


global class JournalLine extends Line

This class extends c2g.AmendPxService.Line


Name Type Description
dimension1 ID the required dimension 1 id of the line.
amendDimension1 Boolean set to 'true' if dimension 1 is to be amended.
dimension2 ID the required dimension 2 id of the line.
amendDimension2 Boolean set to 'true' if dimension 2 is to be amended.
dimension3 ID the required dimension 3 id of the line.
amendDimension3 Boolean set to 'true' if dimension 3 is to be amended.
dimension4 ID the required dimension 4 id of the line.
amendDimension4 Boolean set to 'true' if dimension 4 is to be amended.
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