Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class IntercompanyTransferService

the service class relating to intercompany transfers.



global static void process(List<ID> transferIds)

Receives a list of intercompany transfer IDs to be processed. Use the ProcessIntercompanyTransfers (Process Intercompany Transfers) custom permission to grant permission on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
transferIds List<ID> A list of intercompany transfer IDs to be processed.

Return Value

This service does not return a value.


global static void reject(List<ID> transferIds, String rejectReason)

Receives a list of intercompany transfer IDs to be rejected by the destination company and a reason for rejection. The reason will be used on all rejected intercompany transfer records. Use the AcceptAndRejectIntercompanyTransfers (Accept And Reject Intercompany Transfers) custom permission to grant permission on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
transferIds List<ID> A list of intercompany transfer IDs to be rejected by the destination company.
rejectReason String The reason given for rejecting the transfer. This reason is used on all rejected intercompany transfer records.

Return Value

This service does not return a value.


global static void accept(List<ID> transferIds)

Receives a list of intercompany transfer IDs to be accepted into the destination company. Use the AcceptAndRejectIntercompanyTransfers (Accept And Reject Intercompany Transfers) custom permission to grant permission on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
transferIds List<ID> A list of intercompany transfer record IDs to be accepted into the destination company.

Return Value

This service does not return a value.

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