Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CODAAPIIntegrationRuleLineItemTypes_7_0

holds information about an integration rule line item. see "integration rule fields" and "what is an integration rule?" in the financialforce help for more details.



possible integration rule objects.

Value Description
Header Header (master).
LineItem Line Item (detail).
AdditionalLineItem Additional Line Item (additional detail).


global with sharing class IntegrationRuleLineItem

holds information about an integration rule line item. see "integration rule fields" and "what is an integration rule?" in the financialforce help for more details.


Name Type Description
Id id globally unique string that identifies the record.
IsDeleted boolean indicates whether the record has been moved to the recycle bin (true) or not (false).
Name string unique number allocated to this integration rule line item. mandatory.
CreatedDate datetime date and time when this record was created.
CreatedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who created this record.
LastModifiedDate datetime date and time when this record was last modified by a user.
LastModifiedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who last updated this record.
SystemModstamp datetime date and time when this record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process (such as a trigger).
IntegrationRule c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the related integration rule. mandatory.
ForPrinting boolean indicates that you want to show this field and its value on printed sales documents. Type 1 Rules
ForReading boolean indicates that you want to enable read access for the target field on the target detail object in financialforce and for applications that use the api. Type 1 Rules
ForWriting boolean indicates that you want to enable write access for the target field on the target detail object in financialforce and for applications that use the api. Type 1 Rules. Read access must be enabled as well.
SourceFieldDecimal decimal number of decimals of the source field (applies only to number fields). Type 2 Rules. Mandatory.
SourceFieldPath string path of the source field. for example, duedate__c, Type 2 Rules. Mandatory.
SourceFieldReadOnly boolean indicates if the source field is read only. Type 2 Rules. Mandatory.
SourceFieldReferenceTo string if the source field is a lookup field, this is the object to which the lookup references. Type 2 Rules. Mandatory.
SourceFieldRequired boolean indicates that the source field is required/mandatory. Type 2 Rules. Mandatory.
SourceFieldSize decimal size of the field on the source object. Type 2 Rules. Mandatory.
SourceFieldTypeRef string field type of the source field. Type 2 Rules. Mandatory.
SourceField string field on the detail object from which you want to retrieve the information. Type 2 Rules. Mandatory.
TargetFieldDecimal decimal number of decimals of the target field (applies only to number fields). Types 1 and 2 Rules. Mandatory.
TargetFieldPath string path of the target field. for example, duedate__c, Types 1 and 2 Rules. Mandatory.
TargetFieldReadOnly boolean indicates if the target field is read only. Types 1 and 2 Rules. Mandatory.
TargetFieldReferenceTo string if the target field is a lookup field, this is the object to which the lookup references. Types 1 and 2 Rules. Mandatory.
TargetFieldRequired boolean indicates that the target field is required/mandatory. Types 1 and 2 Rules. Mandatory.
TargetFieldSize decimal size of the field on the target object. Types 1 and 2 Rules. Mandatory.
TargetFieldTypeRef string field type of the target field. Types 1 and 2 Rules. Mandatory.
TargetField string for type 2 rules, this is the field into which you want information inserted. Mandatory
TypeRef c2g.CODAAPIIntegrationRuleLineItemTypes_7_0.enumType type of integration rule line. Types 1 and 2 Rules. Mandatory.


global with sharing class IntegrationRuleLineItems

holds the collection of line items associated with an integration rule.


Name Type Description
LineItemList c2g.CODAAPIIntegrationRuleLineItemTypes_7_0.IntegrationRuleLineItem[] the collection of integrationrulelineitem objects.
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