Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CODAAPIJournalTypes_12_0

the service class relating to journals.



Possible journal statuses.

Value Description
InProgress The document has been saved, but has not been posted.
Complete The document has been posted.
Discarded The document is no longer required, but evidence needs to be retained. You must provide discard reason.


Types of journal.

Value Description
ManualJournal The journal was created by a user.
CashMatchingJournal The journal was automatically generated when the matching process involved a settlement discount, write-off or currency write-off.
CancellingJournal The journal was automatically generated during the process of cancelling a journal that was posted in error.
IncomeSchedule The journal was automatically generated when a sales invoice journal that has an income schedule was posted.
ReversingJournal The journal was automatically generated during the process of creating a reversing journal.
ReconciliationJournal The journal was automatically generated during the process of committing a bank reconciliation that contains bank or interest charges.
YearEndJournal The journal was automatically generated during year end processing.
PrepaidExpensesJournal The journal was automatically generated for a prepaid expense.


global with sharing class Journal

holds information that applies to the whole journal document and acts as a container for a number of journal line items. see "journal fields" and "what is a journal?" in the financialforce help for more details.


Name Type Description
Id id globally unique string that identifies the record.
OwnerId c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who owns the record.
IsDeleted boolean indicates whether the record has been moved to the recycle bin (true) or not (false).
Name string unique number allocated to this journal.
CreatedDate datetime date and time when the record was created.
CreatedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who created the record.
LastModifiedDate datetime date and time when the record was last modified by a user.
LastModifiedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who last modified the record.
SystemModstamp datetime date and time when the record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process (such as a trigger).
DiscardReason string reason this document was discarded.
IncomeScheduleGroup c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to grouping reference custom object of type "income schedule group".
JournalCurrency c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the currency of this journal. mandatory.
JournalDate date date of this journal.
JournalDescription string description of this journal.
JournalStatus c2g.CODAAPIJournalTypes_12_0.enumJournalStatus current status of this journal.
OriginalJournal c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the original journal related to this cancelling journal.
JournalRate decimal the exchange rate used on this document for journal to home currency.
DualRate decimal the exchange rate used on this document for home to dual currency.
OverrideCurrency1 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the currency of override debit value 1. cannot be document currency.
OverrideCurrency2 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the currency of override debit value 2. cannot be document currency.
OverrideCurrency3 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the currency of override debit value 3. cannot be document currency.
OverrideDebitValue1 decimal positive (debit) override value in the corresponding currency.
OverrideDebitValue2 decimal positive (debit) override value in the corresponding currency.
OverrideDebitValue3 decimal positive (debit) override value in the corresponding currency.
OwnerCompany c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference company to which this document belongs.
Period c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the accounting period in which this document falls. mandatory.
Reference string any significant reference that might be useful, such as the original invoice or cash entry number.
SourceJournal c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the journal from which this reversing journal was created, if relevant.
TransactionRef c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the related transaction, when the journal is "complete".
TypeRef c2g.CODAAPIJournalTypes_12_0.enumType type of journal.
Year string name of the year.
Credits decimal total of credit (-) values in document currency. SUM: JournalLineItem: Value Filter: Value less than zero
Debits decimal total of debit (+) values in document currency. SUM: JournalLineItem: Value Filter: Value greater than zero
Total decimal the sum of all the line item values. SUM: JournalLineItem: Value
LineItems c2g.CODAAPIJournalLineItemTypes_12_0.JournalLineItems reference to the associated journal line items. mandatory.
CustomFields List<c2g.CODAAPIJournalTypes_12_0.CustomField> reference to the list of user-defined fields that have been exposed with a type 1 integration rule.


global with sharing class CustomField implements CODAAPICommon.IAPICustomField

holds the information about the user-defined fields that have been exposed with a type 1 integration rule. see "integration rules - type 1" in the financialforce help for more details.
The same read and write permissions granted for the FinancialForce application extend to the FinancialForce API.


Name Type Description
FieldName string name of the user-defined field.
Value string value of the user-defined field.


global with sharing class CancellingInformation

holds information used to cancel a posted journal.


Name Type Description
OriginalJournalRef c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the original journal.
CancellingDescription string description of the cancelling journal.
CancellingReference string reference on the cancelling journal.
CancellingPeriod c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the period in which the cancelling journal will be created.


global with sharing class ReversingInformation

holds information used to reverse a new or existing journal.


Name Type Description
OriginalJournal c2g.CODAAPIJournalTypes_12_0.Journal the original journal that is being reversed. Pass either OriginalJournal or OriginalJournalRef but not both.
OriginalJournalRef c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the original journal. Pass either OriginalJournal or OriginalJournalRef but not both.
ReversingDescription string description of the reversing journal.
ReversingReference string reference on the reversing journal.
ReversingPeriod c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the period in which the reversing journal will be created.
ReversingDate date date of the reversing journal.
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