Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class RemindersEmailService

the service class related to reminder emails.

This class contains deprecated items.



global static Id sendEmails(Set<Id> tliIds, Id reminderRuleId)

Method to run Reminder batch process. Use the CollectionsSendReminders (Send Email Reminders) custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
tliIds Set<Id> Ids of TransactionLineItems for which you want to send reminders.
reminderRuleId Id Id of ReminderRule record.

Return Value

This service returns Id of Reminder__c object.


global static Id sendEmails(List<c2g.RemindersEmailService.TliInclusion> includedTliWrappers, List<c2g.RemindersEmailService.TliExclusion> excludedTliWrappers, Id reminderRuleId, Id reminderId, Boolean isReSendingErrored)

Method to run Reminder batch process having some TLIs selected and some excluded. Same method is used to re-run batch for excluded and errored records. Use the CollectionsSendReminders (Send Email Reminders) custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
includedTliWrappers List<c2g.RemindersEmailService.TliInclusion> Wrapper of TransactionLineItems for which you want to send reminders.
excludedTliWrappers List<c2g.RemindersEmailService.TliExclusion> Wrapper of TransactionLineItems for which you want to exclude sending reminders.
reminderRuleId Id Id of ReminderRule record.
reminderId Id This parameter is used only if you are sending reminders for excluded or errored TLIS. Specify Id of Reminder record which was created suring first run.
isReSendingErrored Boolean Speficy true only if you are sending reminders for errored TLIs. Set the value to null otherwise.

Return Value

This service returns Id of Reminder__c object.


global static String getCongaBatchURLForRemindersAttachment(Set<Id> invoiceIds, Id reminderRuleId)

Method to return conga batch url to use in a button to attach conga templates to invoices. Use the CollectionsSendReminders (Send Email Reminders) custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
invoiceIds Set<Id> Ids of invoices for which you want to attach conga templates.
reminderRuleId Id Id of ReminderRule record.

Return Value

This service returns conga batch url to use in a button to attach conga templates to invoices.


The following items are deprecated and not supported for use. We recommend that you stop using these items to avoid exceptions.



Deprecated: use another method

global static Id sendEmails(Set<Id> tliIdsSelected, Set<Id> tliIdsExcluded, Id reminderRuleId, Id reminderId, Boolean isReSendingErrored)

Method to run Reminder batch process having some TLIs selected and some excluded. Same method is used to re-run batch for excluded and errored records. Use the CollectionsSendReminders (Send Email Reminders) custom permission to grant permissions on this method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
tliIdsSelected Set<Id> Ids of TransactionLineItems for which you want to send reminders.
tliIdsExcluded Set<Id> Ids of TransactionLineItems for which you want to exclude sending reminders.
reminderRuleId Id Id of ReminderRule record.
reminderId Id This parameter is used only if you are sending reminders for excluded or errored TLIS. Specify Id of Reminder record which was created suring first run.
isReSendingErrored Boolean Speficy true only if you are sending reminders for errored TLIs. Set the value to null otherwise.

Return Value

This service returns Id of Reminder__c object.


global with sharing class TliExclusion

the service class relating to excluded transaction line item.


Name Type Description
ExcludedTliId Id excluded tli id.
ExclusionReason String exclusion reason.



global TliExclusion(Id excludedTliId, String exclusionReason)


global with sharing class TliInclusion

the service class relating to included transaction line item.


Name Type Description
IncludedTliId Id included tli id.



global TliInclusion(Id includedTliId)

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