Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CODAAPISectionTypes_3_0

holds information about section properties for a print format. see the property reference section in the FinancialForcePrint Formatter Help for more information.


global with sharing class Section

holds information about section properties for a print format. see the property reference section in the FinancialForcePrint Formatter Help for more information.


Name Type Description
Id id globally unique string that identifies the record.
OwnerId c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who owns the record.
IsDeleted boolean indicates whether the record has been moved to the recycle bin (true) or not (false).
Name string the name of the selected section.
CreatedDate datetime date and time when the record was created.
CreatedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who created the record.
LastModifiedDate datetime date and time when the record was last modified by a user.
LastModifiedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who last modified the record.
SystemModstamp datetime date and time when the record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process (such as a trigger).
FormTypeRef string the form type this print format produces.
SectionSequence decimal the sequence number of the section.
Embedded boolean determines whether you want this section to be embedded as a subsection within a table.
UseFormat string specifies whether a data format is used.
FormatCode string code of the data format.
Format c2g.CODAAPIFormatDataTypes_3_0.FormatData list of format data objects.
PrintFormat c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the related printformat.
SectionTypeRef string the section type.
STName string for internal use.
X decimal the position of the selected section relative to the left margin of the form.
Y decimal the position of the selected section relative to the top of the form.
Width decimal the width of the selected section.
Height decimal the height of the selected section.
VisibleFirst boolean the selected section is visible on the first page.
VisibleBetween boolean the selected section is visible on all pages between first and last.
VisibleLast boolean the selected section is visible on the last page.
VisibleOnePage boolean the selected section is visible when the output is a single page document.
Items c2g.CODAAPIItemTypes_3_0.Items list of items objects.


global with sharing class Sections

holds the collection of section objects for a print format (print formatter).


Name Type Description
SectionList c2g.CODAAPISectionTypes_3_0.Section[] the collection of section objects.
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