Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class PrepaidExpensesService

the service class used to generate prepaid expenses.



global static List<c2g.PrepaidExpensesService.PinExpenseLineItem> getPrepaidExpenseLineItems()

Use this method to retrieve all payable invoice expense line items for prepaid expenses.


global static List<c2g.PrepaidExpensesService.PrepaidExpenseJournalProposal> generateJournalsProposal(c2g.PrepaidExpensesService.PrepaidExpenseJournalParams journalParamsData)

Use this method to generate journal proposal lines.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
journalParamsData c2g.PrepaidExpensesService.PrepaidExpenseJournalParams The wrapper of parameters used to spread expense lines.

Return Value

Returns a list of prepaid expenses journal proposals.


global static Id generatePrepaidExpenseJournals(Map<Id, c2g.PrepaidExpensesService.PrepaidExpenseJournalParams> prepaidExpenseJournalParamsMap)

Use this method to generate prepaid expenses journals. Use GeneratePrepaidExpenseJournal (Generate Prepaid Expenses Journals) custom permission to generate prepaid expenses journals.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
prepaidExpenseJournalParamsMap Map<Id, c2g.PrepaidExpensesService.PrepaidExpenseJournalParams> The map of Id and Prepaid Expense Journal Parameters (i.e. expenseLineId, prepaidExpenseDefinition, prepaidExpenseGla, startDate, endDate).


global class PinExpenseLineItem

this data type used to pass the prepaid expense lines data.


Name Type Description
expenseLineId Id the id of the payable expense line item.
pinId Id the id of payable invoice.
pinNumber String the pin number of payable invoice.
expenseLineNo Integer the line number of payable expense line item.
prepaid Boolean the prepaid indicator of payable expense line item.
description String the line description of payable invoice expense line item.
startDate Date the start date of payable invoice expense line item.
endDate Date the end date of payable invoice expense line item.
glaName String the name of gla on payable invoice expense line item.
accountName String the name of account on payable invoice.
homeValue Decimal the amount of home value on payable invoice expense line item.


global class PrepaidExpenseJournalProposal

this data type is used to retrieve the prepaid expenses journal proposal data.


Name Type Description
expenseLineId Id the id of the prepaid expense line item.
name String the name of the prepaid expense line.
interval String the value of the interval between journals for prepaid expenses journals.
noOfJournals Integer the value of the number of journals.
dateToPost Date the date on which the prepaid expenses journals will be posted.
glaId Id the gla id for prepaid expenses journals.
glaName String the gla name for prepaid expenses journals.
debitAmount Decimal the debit amount of prepaid expenses journals.
creditAmount Decimal the credit amount of prepaid expenses journals.
amortizationAmount Decimal the amortization amount of prepaid expenses journals.
currencyCode String the currency code of prepaid expenses journals.
currencyId Id the currencyid of prepaid expenses journals.
documentRate Decimal the document rate of prepaid expenses journals.
dualRate Decimal the dual rate of prepaid expenses journals.
iconCls String the delete icon lightning class (slds-show/slds-hide) for prepaid expenses journals.
dimension1 String dimension 1 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension2 String dimension 2 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension3 String dimension 3 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension4 String dimension 4 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension1Id String the id of dimension 1 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension2Id String the id of dimension 2 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension3Id String the id of dimension 3 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension4Id String the id of dimension 4 for the prepaid expenses journals.
journals List<c2g.PrepaidExpensesService.PrepaidExpenseJournalProposal> the journal list for each prepaid expenses journal.


global class PrepaidExpenseJournalParams

the data type used to post the prepaid expense journal parameters.


Name Type Description
expenseLineId List<Id> the id list of prepaid expense lines.
prepaidExpenseDefinition Id the prepaid expenses definition id.
prepaidExpenseGla Id the prepaid expenses gla id.
startDate Date the start date from which prepaid expenses are to be generated.
endDate Date the end date until which prepaid expenses are to be generated.
dimensions c2g.PrepaidExpensesService.PrepaidExpensesDimensions the object dimensions (all four dimensions) for which prepaid expenses are to be generated.



global PrepaidExpenseJournalParams()


global PrepaidExpenseJournalParams(List<Id> expenseLineId, Id prepaidExpenseDefinition, Id prepaidExpenseGla, Date startDate, Date endDate, c2g.PrepaidExpensesService.PrepaidExpensesDimensions dimensions)


global class PrepaidExpensesDimensions

data type used to post all the four dimensions for the prepaid expenses.


Name Type Description
dimension1 Id the id of dimension 1 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension2 Id the id of dimension 2 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension3 Id the id of dimension 3 for the prepaid expenses journals.
dimension4 Id the id of dimension 4 for the prepaid expenses journals.



global PrepaidExpensesDimensions(Id dimension1, Id dimension2, Id dimension3, Id dimension4)

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