Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CODAAPIBudgetTypes_8_0

holds information on a budget and balance instance. see "budget and balance fields" and "about budgets and Balances" in the FinancialForce Help for more details.


global class Budget

holds information on a budget and balance instance. see "budget and balance fields" and "about budgets and Balances" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. Note that Account, BankAccount, Product and TaxCode are entities and as such are mutually exclusive.


Name Type Description
Id id globally unique string that identifies the record.
OwnerId c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who owns this record.
IsDeleted boolean indicates whether the record has been moved to the recycle bin (true) or not (false).
Name string unique number allocated to this budget and balance instance, in the format bud{000000}.
CurrencyIsoCode string currency used by this budget and balance instance. must be an active currency within salesforce.
CreatedDate datetime date and time when this record was created.
CreatedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who created this record.
LastModifiedDate datetime date and time when this record was last modified by a user.
LastModifiedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who last updated this record.
SystemModstamp datetime date and time when this record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process (such as a trigger).
IntersectDefinition c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the related intersect definition. this helps you to report on balances at a specific intersect. Mandatory.
GeneralLedgerAccount c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the related general ledger account.
Account c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the related account.
Product c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference product to which this budget and balance instance belongs.
BankAccount c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the related bank account.
TaxCode c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference tax code to which this budget and balance instance belongs.
Dimension1 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to related analysis dimension.
Dimension2 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to related analysis dimension.
Dimension3 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to related analysis dimension.
Dimension4 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to related analysis dimension.
Year c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the related financial year for this budget and balance instance. mandatory.
HashCode string used when a budget is being upgraded. for internal use only.
OwnerCompany c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference company to which this budget and balance instance belongs.
BroughtForwardActual decimal actual year-to-date balance for the last period of the previous year in home currency. this value is entered to work with cumulative balances.
BroughtForwardBudget decimal year-to-date budget for the last period of the previous year in home currency. this value is entered to work with cumulative budgets.
ActualPeriod001 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod002 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod003 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod004 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod005 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod006 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod007 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod008 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod009 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod010 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod011 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod012 decimal current balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualPeriod100 decimal current balance for period 100 in home currency.
ActualPeriod101 decimal current balance for period 101 in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod001 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod002 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod003 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod004 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod005 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod006 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod007 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod008 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod009 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod010 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod011 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod012 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod100 decimal year-to-date balance for period 100 in home currency.
ActualYTDPeriod101 decimal year-to-date balance for period 101 in home currency.
BudgetPeriod001 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod002 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod003 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod004 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod005 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod006 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod007 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod008 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod009 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod010 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod011 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod012 decimal budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetPeriod100 decimal budget for period 100 in home currency.
BudgetPeriod101 decimal budget for period 101 in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod001 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod002 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod003 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod004 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod005 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod006 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod007 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod008 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod009 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod010 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod011 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod012 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod100 decimal year-to-date budget for period 100 in home currency.
BudgetYTDPeriod101 decimal year-to-date budget for period 100 in home currency.
VariancePeriod001 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod002 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod003 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod004 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod005 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod006 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod007 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod008 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod009 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod010 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod011 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod012 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VariancePeriod100 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for period 100 in home currency.
VariancePeriod101 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for period 100 in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod001 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod002 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod003 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod004 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod005 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod006 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod007 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod008 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod009 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod010 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod011 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod012 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod100 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for period 100 in home currency.
VarianceYTDPeriod101 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for period 101 in home currency.
ActualPeriodDual001 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual002 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual003 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual004 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual005 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual006 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual007 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual008 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual009 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual010 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual011 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual012 decimal current balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualPeriodDual100 decimal current balance for period 100 in dual currency
ActualPeriodDual101 decimal current balance for period 100 in dual currency
ActualYTDPeriodDual001 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual002 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual003 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual004 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual005 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual006 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual007 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual008 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual009 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual010 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual011 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual012 decimal year-to-date balance for the numbered period in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual100 decimal year-to-date balance for period 100 in dual currency.
ActualYTDPeriodDual101 decimal year-to-date balance for period 100 in dual currency.
BroughtForwardActualDual decimal actual year-to-date balance for the last period of the previous year in dual currency. this value is entered to work with cumulative balances.
BroughtForwardBudgetDual decimal year-to-date budget for the last period of the previous year in dual currency. this value is entered to work with cumulative budgets.
BudgetPeriodDual001 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual002 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual003 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual004 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual005 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual006 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual007 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual008 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual009 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual010 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual011 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual012 decimal budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual100 decimal budget for period 100 in dual currency.
BudgetPeriodDual101 decimal budget for period 101 in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual001 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual002 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual003 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual004 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual005 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual006 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual007 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual008 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual009 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual010 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual011 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual012 decimal year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual100 decimal year-to-date budget for period 100 in dual currency.
BudgetYTDPeriodDual101 decimal year-to-date budget for period 101 in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual001 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual002 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual003 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual004 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual005 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual006 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual007 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual008 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual009 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual010 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual011 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual012 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual100 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for period 100 in dual currency.
VariancePeriodDual101 decimal variance between the period actual balance and the budget for period 101 in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual001 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual002 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual003 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual004 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual005 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual006 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual007 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual008 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual009 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual010 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual011 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual012 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for the numbered period in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual100 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for period 100 in dual currency.
VarianceYTDPeriodDual101 decimal variance between the year-to-date period actual balance and the year-to-date budget for period 101 in dual currency.
CustomFields List<c2g.CODAAPIBudgetTypes_8_0.CustomField> reference to the list of user-defined fields that have been exposed with a type 1 integration rule.


global with sharing class CustomField

holds the information about the user-defined fields that have been exposed with a type 1 integration rule. See "Integration Rules - Type 1" in the FinancialForce Help for more details. The same read and write permissions granted for the FinancialForce application extend to the FinancialForce API.


Name Type Description
FieldName string name of the user-defined field.
Value string value of the user-defined field.
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