Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CODAAPIPurchaseCreditNoteTypes_7_0

represents information that applies to the whole purchase credit note and acts as a container for a number of purchase credit note line items. see "payable credit note fields" and "what is a payable credit note" in the financialforce help for more details.



possible purchase invoice statuses.

Value Description
InProgress The document has been saved, but has not been posted.
Complete The document has been posted.
Discarded The document is no longer required, but evidence needs to be retained. You must provide a discard reason.


category of 1099 income tax. these types relate to the boxes on form 1099-misc.


global with sharing class PurchaseCreditNote

represents information that applies to the whole purchase credit note and acts as a container for a number of purchase credit note line items. see "payable credit note fields" and "what is a payable credit note" in the financialforce help for more details.


Name Type Description
Id id globally unique string that identifies the record.
OwnerId c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who owns the record.
IsDeleted boolean indicates whether the record has been moved to the recycle bin (true) or not (false).
Name string unique number allocated to the purchase credit note.
CreatedDate datetime date and time when the record was created.
CreatedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who created the record.
LastModifiedDate datetime date and time when the record was last modified by a user.
LastModifiedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who last modified the record.
SystemModstamp datetime date and time when the record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process (such as a trigger).
AccountCreditNoteNumber string credit note number shown on the vendor's credit note.
AccountInvoiceNumber string invoice number on the credit note delivered by the vendor.
Account c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference vendor account for this purchase credit note. mandatory.
CreditNoteCurrency c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference currency in which monetary values are expressed on this purchase credit note. mandatory.
CreditNoteRate decimal the exchange rate for document to home currency.
DualRate decimal the exchange rate for home to dual currency.
CreditNoteDate date date that appears on the sales credit note sent by the vendor. mandatory.
CreditNoteDescription string description of the purchase credit note that can be used to include comments.
CreditNoteReason string reason for the credit note, such as "goods returned" or "incorrect shipment".
CreditNoteStatus c2g.CODAAPIPurchaseCreditNoteTypes_7_0.enumCreditNoteStatus current status of the purchase credit note. mandatory.
CreditNoteTotal decimal total credit note value, including the tax.
Dimension1 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to a dimension by which you want to analyze this account.
Dimension2 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to a dimension by which you want to analyze this account.
Dimension3 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to a dimension by which you want to analyze this account.
Dimension4 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to a dimension by which you want to analyze this account.
DiscardReason string reason why the purchase credit note was discarded.
DueDate date date the purchase credit note is due for payment. mandatory.
IncomeTaxTypeRef c2g.CODAAPIPurchaseCreditNoteTypes_7_0.enumIncomeTaxType default category of 1099 income tax withheld for this account or not reportable. these types relate to the boxes on Form 1099-MISC.
InvoiceDate date date of the related purchase invoice, if relevant.
NetTotal decimal total value of items on the purchase credit note, before tax.
OutstandingValue decimal amount still owed on this document in document currency.
OwnerCompany c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the company to which this document belongs.
PaymentStatus string is this document "unpaid", "part paid", or "paid"?
Period c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the accounting period in which this document falls. mandatory.
Reference1 string the vendor's order number, your organization or company's order number, the buyer's name, or any other reference detail.
Reference2 string the vendor's order number, your organization or company's order number, the buyer's name, or any other reference detail.
RegisteredDate date date the purchase credit note was entered.
TaxCode1 c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the (vat) tax code to use, along with the credit note date, to derive the tax for this line.
TaxTotal decimal total value of tax on the purchase credit note.
TransactionRef c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference reference to the transaction created when the purchase credit note was posted.
Year string name of the year.
ExpensesNetTotal decimal total value of expense line items on the credit note, before tax.
ExpensesTax1Total decimal total value of tax on expense lines items posted to (vat) tax code 1.
ItemsNetTotal decimal total value of product items on the credit note, before tax.
ItemsTax1Total decimal total value of tax on product line items posted to (vat) tax code 1.
LineItems c2g.CODAAPIPurchaseCreditNoteLineTypes_7_0.PurchaseCreditNoteLineItems reference to the associated purchase credit note line items (product lines). mandatory.
ExpLineItems c2g.CODAAPIPurchaseCreditNoteExLineTypes_7_0.PurchaseCreditNoteExpLineItems reference to the associated purchase credit note line items (expense lines).
CustomFields List<c2g.CODAAPIPurchaseCreditNoteTypes_7_0.CustomField> reference to the list of user-defined fields that have been exposed with a type 1 integration rule.


global with sharing class CustomField implements CODAAPICommon.IAPICustomField

holds the information about the user-defined fields that have been exposed with a type 1 integration rule. see "integration rules - type 1" in the financialforce help for more details.
The same read and write permissions granted for the FinancialForce application extend to the FinancialForce API.


Name Type Description
FieldName string name of the user-defined field.
Value string value of the user-defined field.
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