Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CODAAPIPrintFormatTypes_3_0

holds information about print formats. see the property reference section in the financialforceprint Formatter Help for more information.


global with sharing class PrintFormat

holds information about print formats. see the property reference section in the financialforceprint Formatter Help for more information.


Name Type Description
Id id globally unique string that identifies the record.
OwnerId c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who owns the record.
IsDeleted boolean indicates whether the record has been moved to the recycle bin (true) or not (false).
Name string the name of the print format.
CreatedDate datetime date and time when the record was created.
CreatedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who created the record.
LastModifiedDate datetime date and time when the record was last modified by a user.
LastModifiedById c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference id of the user who last modified the record.
SystemModstamp datetime date and time when the record was last modified by a user or by a workflow process (such as a trigger).
Code string the code of the print format.
PFName string for internal use.
ShortName string the abbreviated name of the form.
Template string indicates whether the current form design is a template, and if it is, whether it is protected. This field is for information only.
Locale string the locale of the form that will be used to determine the appropriate language to use in data fields.
FormTypeRef string specifies the type of document that can be produced using forms based on this print format.
UseFormat boolean specifies the use of a data format.
FormatCode string the code of the format data object.
Format c2g.CODAAPIFormatDataTypes_3_0.FormatData list of formatdata objects.
CmpCodeVocabId string determines the company from which the form has been generated.
FixedPosition boolean specifies that this value has a fixed position.
Orientation string the orientation of the page. the options are portrait and landscape.
PageHeight decimal the height of the page.
PageWidth decimal the height of the page.
PaperSize string the size of the page.
MarginTop decimal the height of the top margin.
MarginBottom decimal the height of the bottom margin.
MarginLeft decimal the width of the left margin.
MarginRight decimal the width of the right margin.
Uom string the unit of measurement to use for this form and its objects.
GridSizeX decimal the size of the grid squares on the x axis.
GridSizeY decimal the size of the grid squares on the y axis.
GridOn boolean determines whether the grid squares are visible.
HeaderHeight decimal the height of the header. must be greater than zero if the header is included.
FooterHeight decimal the height of the footer. must be greater than zero if the footer is included.
TimeStamp decimal for internal use.
SortOrders c2g.CODAAPISortOrderTypes_3_0.SortOrders list of sortorders objects.
Sections c2g.CODAAPISectionTypes_3_0.Sections list of sections objects.
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