Accounting Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class CODAAPISalesCreditNote_10_0

the service class relating to sales credit notes.

This class contains deprecated items.


Name Type Description
VERSION_STRING String the api version.
SERVICE_NAME String the name of the service.



webService static String GetAPIVersion()

Used to get the latest API version.

Return Value



webService static String GetServiceName()

Used to get the name of the service.

Return Value



webService static void PostCreditNote(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference value)

This service allows you to post a sales credit note.
Use the SalesCreditNotePost (Post Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service. If FinancialForce Accounting is integrated with Avalara's AvaTax product for the calculation of Sales and Use Tax, see "Posting Sales Documents That Have Their Tax Value Calculated by AvaTax" for advice about which service to use for posting your sales documents.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
value c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Identifies the sales credit note you want to post.

Return Value

This web service does not return a value.


webService static void PrintCreditNoteToEmail(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference value)

This service allows you to print a sales credit note by emailing it to the account. Use the SalesCreditNoteEmailPDF (Send Sales Credit Notes by Email) custom permission to grant permissions on this service.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
value c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Identifies the sales credit note you want to print.

Return Value

This web service does not return a value.


webService static Blob PrintCreditNote(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference value)

This service allows you to print a sales credit note to a PDF file. Use the SalesCreditNotePrintPDF (Print Sales Credit Notes as PDF) custom permission to grant permissions on this service.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
value c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Identifies the sales credit note you want to print.

Return Value

This web service returns a Blob object.


webService static void MarkAsPrinted(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference value)

This service allows you to set the Printed flag on a sales credit note to record that it has been printed. Use the SalesCreditNotePrint (Print Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
value c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Identifies the sales credit note you want to mark as printed.

Return Value

This web service does not return a value.


webService static void BulkPostCreditNote(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference[] values)

This service allows you to post sales credit notes in bulk.
Use the SalesCreditNotePost (Post Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service. If FinancialForce Accounting is integrated with Avalara's AvaTax product for the calculation of Sales and Use Tax, see "Posting Sales Documents That Have Their Tax Value Calculated by AvaTax" for advice about which service to use for posting your sales documents.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
values c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference[] Identifies the sales credit notes you want to post.

Return Value

This web service does not return a value.


webService static void BulkMarkAsPrinted(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference[] values)

This service allows you to set the Printed flag on sales credit notes to record that they have been printed. Use the SalesCreditNotePrint (Print Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
values c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference[] Identifies the sales credit notes you want to mark as printed.

Return Value

This web service does not return a value.


webService static void BulkAmendCreditNote(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, List<c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNoteForAmend> headers)

This service allows you to amend posted sales credit notes in bulk. Use the SalesCreditNoteAmend (Amend Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
headers List<c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNoteForAmend> Holds details of the sales credit notes that you want to amend.

Return Value

This web service does not return a value.


webService static void BulkAmendCreditNoteLineItem(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, List<c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_10_0.CreditNoteLineItemForAmend> lines)

This service allows you to amend posted sales credit note lines in bulk. Use the SalesCreditNoteAmend (Amend Sales Credit Notes)) custom permission to grant permissions on this service.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
lines List<c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_10_0.CreditNoteLineItemForAmend> Holds details of the sales credit note lines that you want to amend.

Return Value

This web service does not return a value.


webService static void ScheduleCreditNotesForPosting(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference[] values)

See "Posting Sales Documents That Have Their Tax Value Calculated by AvaTax" for information about using this service. Use the SalesCreditNotePost (Post Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
values c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference[] Identifies the sales credit notes you want to schedule for posting.

Return Value

This web service does not return a value.


The following items are deprecated and not supported for use. We recommend that you stop using these items to avoid exceptions.



Deprecated: Deprecated: Use the Salesforce API for CRUD operations.

webService static c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference CreateCreditNote(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote value)

This service allows you to create a sales credit note. See "Sales Credit Note Fields" and "What is a Sales Credit Note" in the FinancialForce Help for more details.

Use the SalesCreditNoteSave (Save Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service. This version of the service allows you to create a sales credit note in a company that is not selected as the current company:

  • When creating a sales credit note using the FinancialForce API, you must specify the company name using the context.CompanyName input parameter.
  • When creating a sales credit note using the Salesforce API you must specify the company name using the creditNote.OwnerCompany field.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
value c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote Holds details of the sales credit note you want to create.

Return Value

This web service returns a CODAAPICommon.Reference object.


Deprecated: Deprecated: Use the Salesforce API for CRUD operations.

webService static c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference UpdateCreditNote(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote value)

This service allows you to update a sales credit note.

Use the SalesCreditNoteEdit (Edit Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service. This version of the service allows you to update a sales credit note in a company that is not selected as the current company:

  • When updating a sales credit note using the FinancialForce API, you must specify the company name using the context.CompanyName input parameter.
  • When updating a sales credit note using the Salesforce API you must specify the company name using the creditNote.OwnerCompany field.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
value c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote Holds details of the sales credit note you want to update.

Return Value

This web service returns a CODAAPICommon.Reference object.


Deprecated: Deprecated: Use the Salesforce API for CRUD operations.

webService static c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote GetCreditNote(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference value)

This service allows you to retrieve a sales credit note.

This version of the service allows you to retrieve a sales credit note from a company that is not selected as the current company:

  • When retrieving a sales credit note using the FinancialForce API, you must specify the company name using the context.CompanyName input parameter.
  • When retrieving a sales credit note using the Salesforce API you must specify the company name using the creditNote.OwnerCompany field.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
value c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference Identifies the sales credit note you want to retrieve.

Return Value

This web service returns a c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote object.


Deprecated: Deprecated: Use the Salesforce API for CRUD operations.

webService static c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference[] BulkCreateCreditNote(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote[] values)

This service allows you to create sales credit notes in bulk. Use the SalesCreditNoteSave (Save Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
values c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote[] Holds details of the sales credit notes you want to create.

Return Value

This web service returns an array of CODAAPICommon.Reference objects.


Deprecated: Deprecated: Use the Salesforce API for CRUD operations.

webService static c2g.CODAAPICommon.Reference[] BulkUpdateCreditNote(c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context context, c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote[] values)

This service allows you to update sales credit notes in bulk. Use the SalesCreditNoteEdit (Edit Sales Credit Notes) custom permission to grant permissions on this service.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
context c2g.CODAAPICommon_10_0.Context Identifies the FinancialForce company in which the current operation executes.
values c2g.CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0.CreditNote[] Holds details of the sales credit notes you want to update.

Return Value

This web service returns an array of CODAAPICommon.Reference objects.

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